to the Auditors of the army for payment with instructions to
forward the money as you shall direct.
The last letters from General Washington mention the re-
turn of Sir H. Clinton from an expedition supposed to be
intended against New London, the loss of 14 light Transports
driven on shore by a late storm on Fishers Island in the sound
& the arrival at N. York of 28 sail from Europe & Halifax
with some few troops, the number not ascertained. The
French Minister hath received dispatches from Martinique
dated the 6th ulto, the particulars have not yet been communi-
cated to Congress, but we learn that the Intelligence is inter-
esting & agreeable.
We are, with much respect, your Excellencys
Most Humble & most obedt Servts
Geo. Plater
Philadelphia Wm. Paca
April 6, 1779 Wm. Carmichael
John Henry.
[Gouverneur Morris to Delegates in Congress.]
Notwithstanding our Endeavors we find it impracticable to
lay before you a State of our wants or to say what supplies to
them must be expected from the State of Maryland. The
Measures taken to prevent the Commys from Preying upon
the Public meet our warmest Approbation. In order to lessen
Difficulties and obtain a speedy and effectual aid, we shall
limit our present Demand to 10,000 Barrils of Flour which we
wish may be delivered in this City upon the best terms pos-
sible by the Ist Day of July, as follows 2000 by the Ist of May,
3000 by the 1st of June and 5000 in that Month. The Greater
Quantity and the speedier the Delivery the more will the Pub-
lic be benefited. Our Reason for wishing it delivered in this
City is to avoid the horrid Train of Expenses which are in-
curred by transportation in the common way. We are
Your humble servants
2d April 1779 By Orders Gour Morris