C. B.
Thursday 18th March 1779
Present as on yesterday
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Capt.
Alexa Lawson Smith of the Rifle Regimt One hundred and
Fifty Pounds due him by a Resolve of the General Assembly
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt. Bennett Matthews
Thirty Pounds and Eight Pence due him p Acct passed by the
Depy Audr
Friday 19th March 1779
Present as on yesterday, Thomas Sim Lee Esqr Attended.
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to William
Coe Twelve Pounds, Eighteen shillings & Nine pence p Acct
passed by the Depy Audr
That the said Treasurer pay to Richard Jones Sixteen Pounds
five shillings per Acct passed by the Depy Audr
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Richard Jones a
9 months Soldier in the 3d Maryland Regiment discharged,
the amount of Thirteen Pounds Fifteen shillings and six Pence
in Cloathing being the balance due him by Act of Assembly to
procure Troops for the American Army
Commissions issued to John Deaver appointed Capt in the
room of William Gailbreath, Henry McBride Ist Lieut, Joseph
Gotro 2d Lieutenant Thomas Knot Ens. George Sewall Doug-
lass Capt in the room of William Richardson, William Fore-
paugh 1st Lieut, Andrew Wilison 2d Lieut. Charles Carline
Ens. John Smith Capt, in the room of Elam Baileys John Lewis
first Lieut John Coale 2d Lieut, Nathaniel Wilton Ens. Caleb
Shields Ist Lieut, of Brittingham Dickinsons Compy John Can-
non 2d Lieut, Benjamin Hunt Ensign Joseph Miller 2d Lieut,
of John Merrymans Co. & John Caldwell Ens. belonging to
the Baltimore Town Battalion of Militia in Baltimore County.
Saturday 20 March 1779
Present as on yesterday
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to William
Bailey Five Pounds, seventeen shillings & six Pence for the
use of Nicholas Kurtz due him per Acct passed by the Aud.