Friday 19th February 1779
Present as on yesterday
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Josiah
Tannehill Adjutant of the four Rifle Companies in the Con-
tinental Service One Hundred and Fifty Pounds due him by
Resolve of the General Assembly
That the said Treasurer pay to Commodore Thomas Grason
Three hundred and forty four Pounds, One shilling & ten
Pence due the Officers & men of the Baltimore Galley and
also the further sum of Four hundred and ninty four Pounds
Sixteen Shillings & nine Pence due the Officers and Men of
the Independence Galley per Pay roll Examined and passed
by the Aud. Genl
That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Lieut. Gale 20
Blankets due Capt. Campbell's Compy of Matrosses also 2
Shirts & Stuff sufft for a pair of Trousers and Jacket for himself
Whereas it Appears to this Board by the Oath of a Credible
Witness that Thomas Usher hath lately been in New York a
City in the Possession of the Enemy contrary to the Act of
Assembly in such Case made and Provided.
You are therefore hereby required to arrest the said Thomas
Usher and him bring before this Board or before some Judge
or Justice that he may be dealt with for the said Offence
according to Law and for your so doing this shall be your
Sufficient Warrant and Authority.
To the Sheriff of Baltimore County
Saturday 20th February 1779
Present as on yesterday
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Ridge &
Ratalara Seventy five Pounds, two shillings & nine Pence and
also the further Sum of Thirteen Pounds ten Shillings per
Accounts passed by the Aud. Gl
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to Lieut
Peter Clarke Fifty two Pounds ten Shillings the Allowance
&ca for enlisting 7 Men per Acct passed by Depy Aud.
That the said Treasurer pay to Lieut. William Judah
seventy five Pounds sixteen shillings and Eleven Pence for the
use of Saml Sadler p Acct passed by the Deputy Auditor