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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 242   View pdf image (33K)
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242 Journal and Correspondence

C. B.

one Pounds, and the further sum of seventeen Pounds, eighteen
shillings and six Pence for the use of Gerard Bond & his
Company per Accounts passed by the Aud. Genl
That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas Maddux Thirty one
Pounds, four Shillings, for the use of Samuel Wilkins, ninteen
Pounds, fifteen shillings and six Pence for the use of John
Winder and the further Sum of Fifty three Pounds, twelve
shillings and four Pence for the use of Lieut. John Denwood
per Accounts passed by the Aud. General
Commisionsissued to Jeremiah Jordan, John Reeder junr Hen-
ry Greenfield Southern, Richard Barnes, Henry Reeder, Vernon
Hebb Ignatius Taylor Henry Tubman, Bennett Biscoe, Hanson
Briscoe, John Shanks, John Ireland, Ignatius Fenwick, Nicholas
L. Sewall, Robert Watts, Robert Armstrong, John H. Reade,
Thomas Bond, and William Killgore, appointed Justices of
Saint Marys County also to Richard Barnes, Henry Reeder,
John H. Reade, Thomas Bond, and William Killgore Judges
of the Orphans Court in Saint Mary's County also to
Andrew Buchanan, John Moale, Benjamin Rogers, William
Buchanan, William Spear, Thomas Sollars, John Beale
Howard, James Calhoun, Hercules Courtney, George Gold-
smith Presbury Isaac Vanbibber, Peter Shepherd John Crad-
dock Edward Cockey, John Merryman junr Jeremiah Johnson,
Charles Ridgely of Wm John Robert Holliday, George
Lindenberger, Christo Vaughan, Frederick Decker Jesse Bussey
Robert Lemmon, Richard Cromwell, and William Neale
Justices of the Peace for Baltimore County to Andrew Buch-
anan, William Buchanan, William Spear, Thomas Sollars,
James Calhoun Hercules Courtney and Isaac Van Bibber
Judges of the Orphans Court, Baltimore County also to
Joshua Beall, Christo Lowndes, Wm Lock Weems, David
Craufurd, Jeremiah Magruder, Thomas Clagett, Luke Mar-
bury, Trueman Skinner, Alexander Hd Magruder, Richard
Henderson, Thomas Gantt junr Fielder Bowie, Benja Hall of
Fr. Thomas Williams, Thomas Magill, Thomas Boyd, William
Lyles, William Berry, James Mullikin and James Beck, Justices
of the Peace for Prince Georges County to Joshua Beall,
Christo Lowndes Wm Lock Weems, David Craufurd, Jeremiah
Magruder, Thomas Clagett and Richard Henderson, Judges
of the Orphans Court Prince Georges County also to
Charles Graham, William Allnut, Samuel Chew, John Bond,
Richard Parran, Edward Johnson, William Ireland, Walter
Smith, Daniel Rawlings junr Isaac Clare and James Heighe
Justices of the Peace for Calvert County to Charles Graham,
William Allnut, Samuel Chew, Richard Parran & James Heighe
Judges of the Orphans Court, Calvert County and also to
John Browne, William Hemsley, James Kent, James Bordley,

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Journal and Correspondence of the Council of Maryland, April 1, 1778 through October 26, 1779
Volume 21, Page 242   View pdf image (33K)
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