Ordered by the House that their Majties Councillors be paid
what is allowed them this present Genll Assembly in the
Countyes wherein they doe inhabit, And that the severall
Councillors Salaryes due to them to be paid them as fast as
Money Comes in & Can be Collected.
Proposed that the forty pounds of Tobacco p pole in Ann
Arrundell County not Collected the Last yeare goe towards
the building of a Church in Ann Arrundell Towne and Con-
sented unto Nemine Contradicente that the said Tax of 40l tob
p poll in the said County be Collected the next yeare and to
be paid to the Vestrymen for & towards the building of the
said Church in the said Towne And what the building of the
said Church requires More to be left to the Consideracon of
the next Sessions of Assembly for the Levying of the same in
the said County. Signed p Ordr
C Lomax Clk Assembly.
This Board does agree to the Same.
Hen Denton Clk Concl.
Then was Read the following Vote, Vizt
By the Burgess of Assembly Octobr 18th 1694:
Voted that all the Countyes within this province that haue
not Leavyed the forty pounds of tobacco p poll for & towards
the Maintenance of Ministers or Building of Churches the last
yeare, that the same be not Leavyed this yeare, but the next
yeare Ensueing Eighty pounds of Tobacco p pole be Leavyed
& Collected in the said Countyes.
Signed p order
C Lomax Clk Assembly
This Board doe agree to the same.