ing to their Mats Subjects of this Province of Maryland &ca ffor
the Reasons hereafter (vizt),
ffirst. The Prohibition of Bulk tobacco will lessen their
Matts Revenue very much because Every Ship that Can Carry
away but 100 hhds in Caske the same Shipp will Carry in Bulk
200 hhds and soe Consequently for bigger or lesser Ships, and
the Greater quantity of Tobacco that is imported in England is
the Advancemen' of their Majts Revenue, And further that
Tobo that is Genrally Bulked is such meane darke tobacco that
it will not pay the ffreight in Cask as ffreight at this Instant
Runs, but being bulked the ffreight is lessened to one halfe,
wch makes such Tobacco in some demand, wch othr wise would
not beare it; Therefore if the Merchant freighters should be
Compelled to Transport the same in Caske Considering the
Meanenes thereof they would not purchase such tobacco from
the planters but the same would lye in the Countrey out of
Demand & Useles, for Trade expects profitt, & that profit
arises Chiefely upon the lessening ffreight, then if that Cause
be removed the Effect thereof Ceaseth, and Consequently that
trade Extinguished wch would very much lessen their Majties
Revenve, Ruine their Mats Subjects here, Considering that
almost one halfe of the Tobacco is such darke tobacco which
payes their Mats as much duty as the Best Tobo and as trade
Runs at this Instant there is not Ships Enough to Carry away
all the Tobacco that is made, when they have used all the
Wayes & Meanes that possible they Can yet great Quanti-
tyes lies & rotts in the Countrey to the great prejudice of
their Majts Revenews and Impouerishing their Majts Subjects
here &ca
2ly If any act should pass the planters must of Necessity
leave of Makeing such Tobacco & apply themselves to Manu-
factury because all plantations will not bring bright Tobacco
and Necessity is the Mother of Ingenuity, whoe finds out
Saveing Inventions & Necessary Securityes.
3Iy The darke tobacco being Imported into England is
neaver afterwards Exported or Seldome soe that it is vended
in England paying 5d the pound to their Majts Raiseing the
Revenues high, when as the bright Tobacco is Genrally
Exported paying their Majts but a Small Duety; These
Reasons Considered prayes yor Exncy & Covncills Concur-
rence therein. Signed p Ordr
C Lomax Clk Assembly
Their Majts Honoble Councill concurr wth the Opinion of the
House therein.
Then Read the Opinion of the house Relateing to a Suf-
fragan Bishop as follows, Vizt
p. 74