Mr Ennalls one of the Delegates for Dorchester County was
sent for likewise in manner afd by Warrant directed to the
Sherriffe of that County.
Mr William Harris one of the Delegates for Kent County
together wth Mr Edward Jones, Mr James Wrouth, Mr Thomas
Theakstone & Mr Robt Crooke all Delegates for Caecill County
were likewise sent for in manner afd. by warrant directed to
the Sherriffe of Caecill County.
Members appointed to goe forth as a Comittee to Consider
of all such Griveances as should be Laid before them accord-
ing to the purport of the last menconed Vote, were as follow
Mr Dent, Capt Hamond, Mr Greenfield, Mr Hoskins,
Mr Boothby & Mr Whittington.
The said Comittee are sent out upon their Charge.
The house adjournes for an houre.
The house againe mett & were present as before, Except
the Comittee of Grievances.
Ordr sent to the Clerk of the Provinciall Office to Transmitt
the Journalls imediately hither belonging to this house.
Majr Henry Tripp one of the members of this house
acquainting the house of his goeing for England and that the
Ship he was bound to goe in was now vpon Cleareing, prayed
therefore the Leave of the house for his departure, which was
granted him to depart the next morning.
Message from the Councill by Mr Tench to desire a Coppy
of Yesterdays Votes might be sent them.
Mr Greenfield sent hither from the Comittee of Grievances
to desire the house would be pleased to send a Justice of this
County to Administer an Oath to their Clk whoe accordingly
sent Mr John Watson.
The Comittee of Grievances sent for to the house to Advise
about the last Message brought from the Councill.
Mr Watson returnes and sayes he has administred an Oath
to Mr John Spratt Clerk of the said Comittee.
Ordrd that a message be drawne up in answer to the same
wch was done as ffollows Vizt
By the house of Assembly September the 22th 1693.
This house has herewith sent a Coppy of yesterdays Votes
to your Honors but untill they haue a full & Satisfactory
answer in Relation to the same they can in noe wise Admitt
of any Message in the Manner & forme Now sent.
Signed p Order
H Denton Clk Assembly.