Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697. 595
porch to be for the Comissary Office & Records of Probat of
Wills and Granting Administrations &c to be kept in the two
Rooms on the Right hand in the upper Loft one for the
County Clarke to keep the County Records in and the other
for Annapolis Town Clark to keep his papers in and the other
two Rooms on the left hand one of them for keeping the
Records of the Chancery Court and the other for keeping the
Records of the Governor and Councell in one part of it and
an ot her part of thesame Room for Lodging of all Bonds Bills
Certificates Cocquetts and other Navall papers Transmitted
from the Collectors and Navall officers of this Province To
which end and purpose all Navall Officers and Collectors are
by this Act bound & obliged to returne to the Governor and
Councill once in the year that is to say on the tenth day of
June Yearly and in every Year all Cocquetts Bonds papers and
other Certificates lodged with them or any of them by any
psons as aforesaid under penalty of being proceeded agt and
punished for such their Contempt.
The Room above the Back porch to be for the Clark of the
house of Delegates to keep the Journalls, papers and proceed-
ings of that house in and the loft above the fore porch over
the Comissarys Office to be for hanging a Lanthorn out & for
a Comittee Room and to make the same more Comodious and
fitt for the Services aforesd
Be itt Enacted by the Authority aforesaid by and with the
Advice and Consent aforesaid That the said Rooms be fitted
up with all necessary and Convenient boxes, Shelves Desks
Lib. L. L. 2
p. 154
and Tables to write on and att the door of every office a barr
be made within which no person shall Come but the Clerk of
such Office unless upon urgent and great occasion nor shall
the Clerk of any such Office remove or Convey any Record
Book or Papers of Record out of any such Office to wch it
belongs unless for the use or by Express Comand of the Gov-
ernor or Councill, Assembly or Justices of the Provinciall or
County Courts And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid
by and with the Advice and Consent aforesaid That the Clerks
of the Severall Offices for the time being do Carefully and
diligently keep all the Records and Papers thereof in good and
decent Order and that they mark on the out side of every
Book the Dates of the Sev'all Years that the Records within
mentioned were Transacted in and the same Dates of the years
on all Bundles of papers and mark on the out side of every
paper what the inside Contents are and the better to place and
Settle the Severall Clerks & Officers of the Severall Offices
and Stations above mentioned,
His Excy Francis Nicholson Esqr his Matys present Gov-
ernor of this Province The Honble Sr Thomas Laurence Barrtt
p. 155