he the said Col Herman might or Could have done were he
yett liveing and that the sale so by her made shall Invest the
Vendee or Vendees with a good sure and indefeazable Estate
in ffee simple to them and their heires forever maintainable
and Defendable against all persons whatsoever by virtue of
this Act any Law Statute or usage to the Contrary thereof in
any wise notwithstanding.
An Act Impowering the Comissioners of each respective
County to purchase Lands for the use of their respective
Court houses.
Whereas It has been represented to this Generall Assembly
that Sundry Court houses within this Province for the better
Conveniency of their respective Countys have been built
upon Lands whereunto the Countys Could make no Legall
Claime or Challenge the Owners thereof either refuseing to
make sale or otherwise incapacitated of so doing by reason of
nonage or being beyond the Seas which evil if not prevented
will be very prejudiciall to such Countys who have allready
layd out and Expended Considerable sums of Tobbacco in
Erecting and building such Court houses aforesaid
Be it therefore Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Maty
by and with the Advice and Consent of this present Generall
Assembly and the authority of the same That the Comis-
sioners of the sevrall and respective Countys within this Pro-
vince whose Court houses are Erected that did otherwise hold
Courts or Lands whereunto the respective County Can lay no
Just title or Claime to as aforesd do on or before the Tenth
day of Aprill next Ensueing meet att their respective Court