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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 589   View pdf image (33K)
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Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697. 589

A Congratulatory address to his Maty:
An adress of thanks to his Majty for appointing the Right
honble the Lords of the Councill of Trade &c:
An address about the Navigation Bonds.
An address to the Lords of the Councill for Trade &c.
Relating to the assistance to be given New Yorke.
The which addresses were well approved of.
Lastly his Excy was thus pleased to bespeake the Assembly,
That he heartily thanked them for having made so many
good Lawes which he believed had answered the very Intent
of the writte of Election Viz: the honor and Glory of God, his
Majtys Service, and the good of the Whole publicke, and
willed them being Magistrates in their Severall Countys to see
the same putt in due Execution.
He also gave them to understand that there was a late act
of parliamt that prohibited the continuance of one parliament
longer then three yeares, and since this Generall assembly
was in the like nature of the parliament of England as to this
province, he thought that the same being continued neare
three yeares, In example of the Kingdom of England
(whereon this province so wholly depends) ought to be
Therefore in his Majestyes name his Excellency told them
that he did dissolve them.
And thereupon they were dissolved.
W Bladen Clk: of the house of Delegates.

L. H. J.

p. 156

An Act for the Confirming Titles of Land Given to the use
of the Churches and severall Chappells within this Province
Impowering the Comissrs of the respective Countys & Vestrys
of the respective pishes to take up Certein -pcells of Land for
the use of the same.

Lib. L. L. 2

Whereas severall pious and well disposed persons have
given and granted unto the respective parishes whereto they
doe belong Certein parcells of Ground for the use and
benefitt of a Church and Church yard which said Land
through the neglect of the Vestrys whereby an Act of
Assembly of this Province made att a Sessions of Assembly
held att the Porte of Annapolis the 20th day of July in the
year of our Lord 1696 Intituled an Act for the Service of
Allmighty God and the Establishmt of the Protestant Religion

p. 145

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 589   View pdf image (33K)
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