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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 522   View pdf image (33K)
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522 Assembly Proceedings, May 26-June 11, 1697.


p. 17

The honble Coll John Courts is asked to give an Account of
what he knowes of the Indians in potomack who says that on
Wednesday last the Choptico Indians came to his house &
made complaint against Mr Joshua Doyne of St Maries County
for demanding rent of them for the land they now live on
which they have enjoyed peaceably these many yeares by
grant from the Lord Baltemore, and has taken from them by
Violence two double matts, Bowles and basketts desireing
some redress therein. They also Complaine that Madm Blak-
iston threatens them for want of Satisfaccon made her vpon
a certaine Judgement obtained against them in the Collo life
time notwithstanding they had sold skinnes towards payment
thereof (for tobacco) vnto the Clerke of the Councill which
tobacco the said Madm Blakiston sayes is not yet paid her
Therefore some order therein. They likewise complaine that
one Barber has Encroacht vpon their land which they have
long time enjoyed.
Mr James Stoddert at the Easterne branch of Potomack in
prince Georges County gives the following accompt relating
to the Indians vnder his hand.
That in ffebruary last there came to my house about sixteen
Indians which live (as I understood them) near the moun-
taines they had with them Skins & ffurrs which they offered
to sell (the which I bought) when they went away they signi-
fied by signes that they would come againe at the Spring of
the yeare & bring some more Skinns At this time there were
some families of the Piscattoway Indians had their Cabins at
my house but in a few dayes after they went away I ask't
their reason of their goeing so soone from their hunting
Quarters they told me that thr Emperor had sent for them; about
the 20th of March last haveing occasion of a silke grasse net in
order to buy one I went to the ffort, I never haveing seene the
Emperor I went to see him The Empr told me he was very glad
to see me I told him my buisines vpon which he sent to Enquire
if there were any netts in the ffort The answer was return'd
there was none afterwards they shewed me an old one the
which I bought ffurther in discourse The Empr asked if there
was any body came with me & if I came from home that morn-
ing I answered him I came that morning from Mr Hutchinsons
& that he directed me to the fort, ffurther he told me that he
heard that there had bin some Senecor Indians dealing with

p. 18

me, I told him it was so, he further told me that notices came
to him two dayes agoe that a man in Virga was shot by Indians
& he sent to see & found it false, he seem'd to blame the
English for raising such false Reports.
On the 3d day of Aprill last I haveing been abroad &
coming home late the night before in the morning went out

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Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, 1693-1697
Volume 19, Page 522   View pdf image (33K)
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