then they should be ready to Receive any Message from the
The house Adjournes till to Morrow Morning Nine of the
Thursday September the 21th 1693.
The house again mett & were called ouer and were Absent
these following Membrs vizt the two Citty Delegates together
wth Mr Harris, Mr Tasker Mr Ashman Mr Smith, Mr Robins,
Majr Tripp Mr Ennalls, Mr Brookes, Mr Pindar and all Caecill
County Delegates,
fformer Rules of the house Ordered to be sett up wch was
accordingly done.
Mr Greenfield & Capt Whittington sent to the Councill to
Signifye to their Honors that the house was again Satt, And
that if they had any business to impart unto them they would
be pleased to make knowne the same by the sd Messingers.
The said Messingers Returne & say that they were wth the
Councill at the Great house, where the Gouernor Lately lived,
to whome they delivered the Message given them in charge,
And that the Councills answer to the same was, that they
Expected the house there this Morning.
Moued by a Member of this house on behalfe of Mr Cley-
bourne Lomax, & Mr John Spratt, Vizt That the house would
be pleased to imploy them as Clks upon Comittees dureing
this Assembly, being persons well qualified for the Same, and
thereupon they were accepted off, for the said Service soe soone
as Comittees are appointed to goe forth.
Message from the Councill by Coll Hutchins & Mr Tench,
whoe say they were sent to acquaint this house that the Coun-
cill desired they would give them a meeting at the Great
house in their private capacity, but not as a house.
Putt to the Question whether the house shall Treat wth any
of their Majties Councill about the affaires of this Province in a
private Capacity or noe, And voted Nemine Contradicente, in
the Negative.
Debated, upon the Gouernors death whether the Kings
Councill shall be desired to make knowne to this house the
present Constitution of their Majties GouernmP- And that the
same is Consonant to their Majties Cofnission to the End they
may applye themselves to them for the True Cause of their
Majties Sumons to this Assembly.
Resolved nemine contradicente, that a Message be sent
according to the purport of the aboue debate. Capt
p. 3