Thursday October the Ist 1696. House met.
And it being Proposed that an Ordinance be drawn up to
Quiet the Minds of the people.
Resolved that such Ordinance be drawn up.
And it being proposed from his Excy that care be taken for
to have the Shipps ride together for their better defence and
Security. The house conceive they may be at liberty to ride
where they please for the advantage of their Trade.
The House adjourned till 6 of a Clock to morrow morning.
Friday Octob: the 2d 1696. House met.
The Petition of divers the Inhabitants of this province,
relating to Navigacon Bonds, read and sent up to his Excy
with the following Indorsement.
This house humbly pray his Excy that he will allow the Petrs
reasonable tyme about two years to procure certificates in
discharge of their Bonds if they can and in regard they were
thought sufficient security at the first in their Bonds, that
therefore their owne psonnall security may be now accepted
on without holding them to Bayle.
And we humbly pray your Excellency to interceed to his
Maty to extend his mercy and goodness to the petitioners,
without which many of his Majtys loving Subjects their wifes
and families will be utterly ruined and impoverished without
any fault or crime in themselves.
Major Dent and severall other members sent up to his Excy
with the following Ordinance viz:
To all his Majtys loving Subjects in Maryland
Because it may be suggested by many evil minded persons
enemys to his Matys Government and the peace and tranquility
of his loving Subjects that the frequent Assembly's that of
late have been called hath and may be a burthen to the good
people of this Province, and that the money and tobo raised
hath been misemployed or wasted, for prevention whereof &
quieting the minds of all his Matys loving Subjects, It is hereby