Assembly Proceedings, Sept. 16-Oct. 2, 1696. 487
is necessary an ordinance be drawn enjoyning the Justices to
send for the same out of the Amerciamts
As to the necessary Law Books there is a Law already
made Sufficiently providing therefore.
As to the Gowne we conceive it may be better let alone at
present till Religion and Education hath better Ground in the
19th Whether European Goods exported out of this Prov-
ince to Virginia and from thence to any other place should
not pay the 10 p Cent According to Act of Assembly
This house conceive that the Act of Assembly explaining
the Act for imposing the 10 p cent do sufficiently answer this
Quere by Saying if the goods are exported out of Virginia to
any other place except this Province the duty of 10 p cent
shall be paid. And to prevent fraud therein It is provided
by the said Act that before the said Goods are exported out
of this Province the Exporter shall make oath that it is with
intent to sell them there, and is likewise to give Bond that
they shall be there disposed of and not exported. And we
know not how to make better Provision then the Act
20th That some care be taken to oblige the Shipping of
this province to ride at certain places for their own defence
This house to lay such an Imposition upon ship-
ping Prejudiciall to their Trade, and being
empowered to make such order therein as the thinke
it convenient to leave the same to his Excy to take such order
therein as he shall thinke convenient &c.
L. H. J.
21st Upon the Petition of the Pensilvania Merchts
Thought in the law for 10 p cent be continued and
put in Execution.
2 2d Mr Thomas Briscoe's acct of the 4d p Gall: referred to
the house
Resolved the Comittee of Accts inspect the same and make
their reporte to this house.
23d That his Excy is pleased to represent that he has sold
the publique Tobo given towards building the church at
Annapolis for 13d p cent which he hopes may be for the good
of the county, and proposes that some care be taken and
order made about building the sd church and the Free School
there being a Brickmaker now in Town.
Resolved that his Excy has wisely disposed of the same for
which the thanks of this house ought to be returned, as for
the building.
Resolved a Comittee be appointed to inquire into them
matters what mony the worke will amount to and what parte
thereof is gathered or like to be gathered, what Dimensions
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