Maryland ss:
Porte of Annapolis September 16th 1696
Be it Remembered that whereas the Genll Assembly of this
Province upon the tenth day of July last the
Reigne of or Sovereigne Lord was Prorogued
untill the 16th Instant and according to the said Prorogation
there did appeare in the house the following members vizt
Kelm Cheseldyne Speaker of the house, Col. John Hutche-
son, Col John Hynson, Major Thomas Smith
Major Edward Dorsey, Mr James Saunders, Mr Francis
Tasker, Mr James Crawford, Major James
Smallwood, Mr Henry Hawkins, Mr William Huchison Mr
John Ashman, MrJohn Ferry, Col: Ninian Beale, Mr William
The house adjourned till 3 of the Clock to morrow after-
noon .
Thursday Septr the 17th 1696
House mett. Appearing therein the following members,
L. H. J.
p. 105
Mr Speaker, Col Hinson, Major Smith, Major Hamond,
Major Dorsey, Mr Saunders, Mr Tasker, Major Smallwood Mr
Hawkins, Mr Ashman, Mr Jenkins, Mr Scarborough, Mr Bos-
man, Mr Dixon, MrTollard, Mr Hooper, Mr Hicks, Col. Beale,
and Mr Hatton.
House adjourns till to morrow Morning at 7 of the Clock
Friday Septr the 18th 1696.
House met. Mr John Hall, Col. John Cood, Capt Philip
Hoskins, Major Walter Smith, and Mr Wm Coursey appear-
ing in this house and by the Reporte of the Comittee of Elec-
tions & Priviledges being represented to this house as mem-
bers duly Elected to serve for their severall county's of
Baltemore, St Mary's, Charles, Calvert, and Talbott.
Message sent to his Excy the Govr to acquaint him severall
Gentn appear in the house as Representatives for their Sev-
erall Countyes, and this house desire his Excy will be pleased