An Act for Speedy Justice for small debts
An Act relating to Bail to be taken by the Sheriff in
Action of Trespass
An Act for the better Clearing of the Roads and directing
all Travellers travelling through the province
An Act for keeping good Rules and Orders in the Port of
A Supplementary Act to the Act for payment and Assess-
ment of the publick Charge of this province
The said Severall Bills were passed under the Broad Seal
of this province in presence of the whole Assembly together
with the Act for relief of the Creditors of Mark Cordea deed
his Excellency being pleased to express his Assent to the
same by the following Indorsemts made thereon vizt
October the 2d 1696.
On behalf of his Majesty King William the third &c I will
these to be Laws
Fr: Nicholson
At the same Time likewise the map of the Town and port
of Annapolis &c was sealed with the Broad Seal of the prov-
ince and his Excellencies Seal at Arms in several places
thereof According to the directions of the Act of Assembly in
that case
Then was produced and Read a pardon by Mr Attorney
and Sollicitor General prepared on behalf of George Mason
and William Burley persons condemned for the murther of
Mr John Payne formerly Collector of putuxent district being
prepared by Order of his Sacred Majesty in Council which
was signed by his Excellency in Council the Broad Seal of the
province in presence of the whole Assembly George Mason
one of the Criminalls being present received the said Pardon
upon his Knees but an account was Given that Burley the
other Criminall lay so dangerously ill that he could not
Then came Major Thomas Smithson Treasurer for the
Eastern Shore and made Oath to his Treasurers Account
Came also Samuel Watkins Naval Officer of Patuxent dis-
trict and Henry Denton Navall Officer of the Port of Anna-
polis who made oath to their accounts
The Treasurer for the Western Shore and the rest of the
Naval Officers not appearing were ordered to be summoned
to make up their accounts before the committee for that pur-
pose especially appointed