Two Catalogues or Lists of Books for the several
Parishes &c.
The Boston news and James Heighs information about the
Privateer lately came up the Bay and 2 Letters about the
Captain Pellews Letter and another from his Purser about
his Sayling
Mr Platers Account of publick Arms &c sent in by Captain
Peter Pagan
Ordered that to morrow being the 17th Instant be set Aside
to be kept Holy by the General Assembly within this port for
a day of publick thanksgiving for his Majestys safe deliver-
ance and Prosperity
September 17th 1696. In the Afternoon
The Council again Sate and were Present
His Excellency Francis Nicholson Esqr Captain General &c
the honble Sir Thomas Lawrence Baronet Secretary Col0
George Robotham Colo Nich: Greenberry Colo Charles
Hutchins Colo David Browne James Frisby Esqr