or wager of Law to be Allowed and the Church wardens of
each respective Parish are by this Act Impowered to sue for
the same And if any Parent, Guardian, Master, Mistres or
Overseer shall not within two months after such Birth Bap-
tizme Marriage or buriall give notice to the Register of the
same together with the names of the persons and time when
they were married borne Baptized or buried to be Registred
shall forfeitt to the use aforesaid five hundred pounds of
Tobbacco to be recovered as aforesaid And if the Register
shall refuse or neglect tu Register the same haveing had
notice Given to him as aforesaid he shall forfeitt to the same
use the sume of six hundred pounds of Tobbacco to be recov-
ered in the County Court of the same parish in maner and
forme aforesaid Provided allways that this Law nor any thing
Lib. L. L. 2