Assembly Proceedings, July 1-10, 1696. 425
and Visitors of the said ffree school or schools and their
Successors shall have one Comon Seale which they may make
use of in Whatsoever Cause and business belonging to them
and their Successors relateing to the said Office of Rector
Governors and Visitors of the said ffree school & schools
and that the said Governors and Visitors may have leave to
break Change and renew their said Seale from time to time
att their pleasure as they shall see most Expedient And further
that it may please Your Maty to Grant to the said Rector
Governors and Visitors aforesaid of the said ffree School or
Schools aforesd That as soon as they shall be enabled by any
Gifts Grants pensions Donacons or incoms of any Manors
Lib. L. L. 2
Lands Tenements or other Estate whatsoever Reall or Personall
Exceeding the Sume of one hundred and Twenty pounds p
year allotted and Allowed for Supporte and repairations of
the first free School att Seaverne as aforesaid that then as they
shall be Enabled as aforesaid the said Rector Governors and
Visitors shall proceed to erect found and build one other ffree
Schoole att the Town of Oxford on the Eastern Shoar of this
Province in Talbott County or in such other place of the same
County as to the said Rectors Governors and Visitors afore-
said shall seem most Expedient and after the same shall be
built founded and Established to appropriate & Apply to the
said Second ffree Schoole out of the Treasure Accrewing to
them for the benefitt and Advantage of ffree Schools aforesaid
over and above the one hundred and Twenty pounds p Year
allowed as aforesaid to the first free schoole the like sume of
one hundred and Twenty pounds p year for the benefitt
Advantage and Supporte of such second ffree school and shall
and may place a Master Usher and scribe therein as in the
other first free schoole as afd and shall in all respects be under
the same benefitts priviledges injunctions and restrictions as
the said first free School and also after the said second ffree
school is built Erected founded and furnished the said Rectors
Governors & Visitors shall as fast as they shall be Enabled
as aforesd pceed to the Erecting other and more ffree schools
p. 124
in this Province (that is to say) in every County of this province
att prsent one ffree schoole and shall and may be Impowered
to Establish Constitute enjoyne and restreine to and under
the same benefitts Advantages Instructions and restrictions
as aforesaid and appropriate and apply such and so much
of the said Revenue not before disposed or Ordained to each
ffree school as to them shall seem most Convenient and Expe-
dient not Exceeding one hundred and Twenty pounds p
Annum as aforesaid And be it hereby Enacted by the Authority
aforesaid That a Supplementory Act for free schools made att
a Session of Assembly begun and held att the City of St Marys
p. 125