Assembly Proceedings, July 1-10, 1696. 419
tions whatsoever and if any person or persons within this
Province from and after the publication hereof shall offend in
all or any of the premisses he she or they so offending shall
forfeitt and pay for every Offence the sume of one hundred
pounds of Tobacco to the use of the poor of the parish where
the said Offender or Offenders do dwell and reside the said
offences or any of them being done in view of any Justice of
the peace, Magistrate or other head officer of any County,
City or Town Corporate within this province within their
Limitts respectively or being proved by the Oath of Two or
Lib. L. L. 2
more Wittnesses or by Confession of the party offending
before any such Magistrate Justice or head Officer within
theire Severall Limitts respectively wherein such Offences
shall be Committed to which end every Justice Magistrate or
other head Officer shall have power by this Act to Administer
Oath to such Wittness or Wittnesses any of which sume or
sums of Tobacco so forfeited shall and may be Executed and
leavied by the Sherriffe or Constable by Warrant to any of
them directed from any such Justice or Justices of the peace
Magistrate or other head Officer as aforesaid within theire
severall Limitts where all or any of the said Offences shall be
Comitted or done by distress or Sale of the Offenders Goods
rendring the Party the Overplus, all which forfeitures shall be
to our Sovereigne Lord the King his heires and Successors to
the use aforesaid to be recovered in any Court of Record
within this Province by any person that will sue for the same
by Bill Plaint or Information wherein no Essoyne Protection
or Wager of Law to be Allowed, And the said Justices,
Magistrates Sherriffs or Constables shall render an Accompt
thereof att the next Court to be holden for the respective
Countys Citys or Burroughs where the said Offence shall be
Comitted and in default of such distress the Sherriffe under-
sherriffe or Constable are hereby Authorized and Impowered
to bring the Party Offending before the next Justice of Peace
who is hereby Authorized and impowered to bind such
Offender or Offenders over to the next Court to be holden
for the County City or Burrough respectively and to be dure-
ing the Intervall of Good behaviour
p. 113
And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid by and with
the Advice and Consent aforesaid That the minister of each
respective Church or Chappell of this Province do in pursu-
ance of his Matys Royall Letter directed to the right Rev-
erend Father in God Henry Lord Bishop of London and
Countersigned by the right Noble Prince Charles Duke of
Shrewsbury their Matys Principall Secretary of State bearing
Date the thirteenth day of ffebruary Ano Dmi one Thousand
Six hundred Eighty nine to be Comunicated to the Prov-
p. 114