416 Assembly Proceedings, July 1-10, 1696.
represent to be within the benefitt of all libertyes and privi-
ledges of English free borne Subjects, being granted to this
province by his Matys royall predecessor Charles the first of
England and generally used in the GovernnV of this province.
We believe our Sacred Sovereigne exposed his Royall
p. 15
person to great hazards for the preservation and maynteynance
of the Rights and libertyes of those Dominions to which we
belong, and therein has been perpetually protected by an
imediate finger of Godd agt all attempts of his Enimys to the
contrary And therefore as it hath always been usuall for
parlianv8 under good and gracious Kings to have reiterated
and Confirmed to them, their antient Rights and libertyes
[both in church and State,] Which we find by experience they
have frequently [prayed for and] obteyned. We cannot distrust
but that his Maty will; [graciously confirme] the same to us, at
our humble motion we humbly offer these Reasons why
that clause [may be continued] in the Law.
First we find that King Henry in his grant of that great
charter annexed the liberty's and priviledges of the church and
subject together, comprising them in one grant, tho' in Severall
paragraphs or chapters.
Therefore we hope his most Sacred Maty will accept of our
Imitation thereof and cannot but believe us to be forgettfull of
ourselves if omitted by us.
2dly We find the same again joyned in one Charter to the
Lord Baltemore for the Seating this province Vizt the pro-
pagacon of the church and the liberty of the Subject declared
in the same charter.
3dly We find that when his Maty was graciously pleased to
take the govermt of this province into his Viands, the first law
that was made here was declaratory of the Rights and Liber-
tyes of the church and subject also conteyned in one and the
same act.
And if we after all these and many more examples of the
like nature which in this Juncture we have not tyme to collect,
we should as we do earnestly endeavour to propagate and
maynteyne our Duty to God and the King, and forget those
we represent, we must believe we are wanting to ourselves
p. 16
since they have not in any thing we have seen been Seperated,
We humbly desire they may be joyned and not omitted in this.
And therefore humbly desire that these or reasons may be
taken into consideration
And we pray to Godd to bless us and our posteritys as our
conciencies witness our Integrity in this matter
Signed p ordr W Bladen Clk: Assembly
Sent by Major Dent, Mr Clarke, Mr Hutchins, Mr Barton,