of a future confirmation thereof that they should address his
Maty for a Declaratory act for the passing whereof he would
use his Interest.
That true it was confest that they had been instrumental in
Making Severall good Laws, but if so be they left those for
Religion unfinished they had begun an unperfect piece of
worke. Therefore prorogued them until the [ninth] instant.
Thursday [July the 9th] 1696
The House according to prorogation last night being inst.
Major Thompson and Mr Helmsley sent to acquaint his
Excy the house is met according to prorogation last night, who
return and say they delivered their message, and that his
Excy was ready to receive the house when they thinke fitt to
come up.
Whereupon the house adjourned for an hour, and went up
to the Councill to attend upon his Excy where being admitted
his Excy thus bespoake them.
That what he had to recommend to them was a Bill lying
before the house for the Establishing of the protestant Religion,
which Bill as it is now penned conteyns two different things,
and his Maty has declared he will not pass any Bill conteyning