Then his Excy Ordered the Indians that were evidence agt
Coscanhosh to stay, but dismissed the rest as they saw fitt.
He told them that what was now said was before the whole
Province being that -psons from all parts of it were present
and [his Excy] acquaints them that Col: Addison and Major
Smalwood of this Conference to whome the sd Indians
Then ordered
After which his Excy and the members of the honble Councill
being withdrawn the house adjourned [untill] 6 of the Clock
to Morrow Morning.
Saturday July the 4th 1696.
The house met. Then read over what was done yesterday.
A Bill for the Service of Almighty God and the Establishm'
of the protestant Religion within this Province read the
second tyme and passed, Nemine Contradicente. The said
Bill sent up to the Honble Councill by Capt Hill Mr Saunders
Mr Jenkins, Major Dorsey, Mr Scarborough & Mr Hawkins.
Who returne and say they have delivered the said Bill to his
Matyshonble Councill
The house adjourned for two hours.
Post Meridiem. The house met.
Resolved an address be sent to the Lords of his Matys most
honble the privy Councill to thanke them for the Care of the
The Emperor of Piscattaway and the other Indians being
called in his Matys Commission under the broad Seale of this
province was delivered and given the said Emperor consti-
tuting him Comander of all the Indians on the Western
Shoar of Maryland
Comittee of Laws enter the house.
His Excy proposes and recomends to the house the Consid-
eration of the Govr of New Yorkes Letter, and if they will
send any more mony to the assistance of New Yorke his Excy
will advance the same.
Recomended from his Excy that if the house thinke fitt to
pass the Act of Religion as proposed the Province shall be
at no charge in passing thereof but his Excy will pay the