The said message being read as also the Clause in the Bill
relating thereto his Excellency is pleased to start the question
what is meant by those words according to the Statute Laws
for that they are of a Large Extent therefore will want Expla-
nation and it being debated for some time the messengers are
sent for in who accordingly came
They are asked what is meant by those words (according
to the Statutes of England) to which Mr Dent answered that
he has no commission from the House to say any thing in
that matter but (according to his own private sence) does say
that he takes this to be the meaning vizt that where the Laws
of this province are silent Justice shall be administered accord-
ing to the Laws of England pursuant to an Act of Assembly
of this Province
His Excellency is pleased to signify to them that the Par-
liament of Ireland have thought fit to Enumerate by a Law
what Statutes of England shall be in force in that Kingdom
and that they would do well to acquaint the House and Con-
sider of it whether such General Words may not rather be a
Grievance to the people than otherwise they take Leave and
Brought from the House of Burgesses by Major Thomp-
son and nine other members the following message which was
read vizt