his Excellency signifying his Assent thereto by signing them
with this Indorsement vizt
July the 8th 1696
On the behalf of his Majesty King William the third I will
these to be Laws
Francis Nicholson
Afterwards his Excellency was pleased to tell them that the
Bill here presented Relating to Religion had been considered
and that he is sorry to find them so stiff in a matter of that
nature which as it is now drawn his Majesty will not Assent to
for that His Majesty has declared he will not Assent to any
Law that contains things of different nature in it as this does
wherein they joyn Eclesiastical & temporal matters together
being pleased also to signify that he hopes they dont question
his Majestys hindering or debarring them of any priviledges
due to them as Englishmen who came over to preserve and is
now actually engaged for the defence of their Liberties and