is an honest man and had no hand in the murther. But as
for the Old Indian they can say no Good of him
10 They are told that his Excellency understands they have
had some disputes with the English about the Bounds of their
land proposed to them that if they would sell any of their
Lands to the English his Excellency would give his Leave and
Consent thereto. The Emperor Agrees thereto and is willing
his Excellency telling him and the rest that what Land they do
sell if they do but go to Colo Addison Colo Courts Major
Smallwood or Mr Barton they will see that they shall have
right done them for Satisfaction for the same
11 They are told that all the matters and proposalls that
have been made to them now is the sence of the whole Country
for that there are Gentlemen from all Parts of the Country
here besides the Gentlemen of his Majestys honourable
12 The Young Indian Prisoner is brought and the Emperor
and his Great men are told that in regard they have assured
that he is an honest man and are now become his Security for
his good behaviour and that they have promised to Apprehend
the Anacostin King they do therefore release him and he was
accordingly released
The Case about the Legality of trying the other Indian by
our English Laws being put and debated the House are
unanimously of Opinion that the said Indian ought to be tried
by our English Laws: so the Conference broke up several
Attorneys of the Provincial Court and other Gentlemen pro-
fessing the Law being sent for up to the Council Board to
Consult and Advise concerning the trial of the said Indian and
English woman now in Custody &c how they shall be tried
and accordingly appeared Mr Cheseldyn Mr Smith Mr