An Act for the Naturalization of John Edgar of Sommersett
Be it Enacted by the Kings most Excellent Maty by and
with the Advice and Consent of this present Generall Assembly
and the Authority of the same That John Edgar of Sommer-
sett County Gentleman be by this present Act naturalized and
intituled to enjoy all Rights and Priviledges whatsoever within
this Province as any Naturall borne subject within this
Province might could or ought to do and shall be Capable to
sue or be sued to defend or be defended and that he and his
heires shall and may Enjoy any Lands Tenements Rents or
Hereditaments whatsoever to which he shall or may any wise
be entituled unto as if he was or had been a Naturall borne
Subject of this Province any Law usage or Custom to the
Contrary in any wise notwithstanding