Thursday May the 14th 1696.
House mett absent Mr Watson Major Smalwood Mr.
Willm Helmsley and Colonel St Leidger Codd.
Complaint [being made that Allen] Robinet Ferryman
appointed for [keeping the publique Ferry over] Severn
River refuses to Sett [the Inhabitants of this Province] over
the said River. Ord[ered the Serg' at Arms take] the sd
Allen Robin [et into Custody and bring] him imediately
before [this house to answer his] contempt therein.
Message from [his Excy the Govr in Councill] by the honble
Col: Charls Hutchins [and Col. John Addison] who recomend
to the house that the sevrall [addresses] and Letters resolved
to be sent for England be got ready to be signed.
Ordered Capt Hill Major Dent & Major Smithson prepare
them with all convenient Speed.
Moved in the house that whereas George Layfield Esqr one
of the Comrs for Somersett County hath unjustly charged the
said County for attending the County Court when at the same
tyme he was not in the County.
Ordered that the Sherriff of Somersett County have the said
Layfield here before this house upon the next Sessions or
The house adjourned till two of the Clock
Post Meridiem. The house met present as before
The honble Colonel George Robotham Col: Nicholas Green-
berry Col. Charls Hutchins and Colonel David Brown came
downe from his Excy the GoVnor and Councill and bring
downe divers petitions of severall persons for the Office of
Sherriffs within this province, and acquaint the house that
whereas The severall Members of this house are most capable
of Judging what persons are fittest Execute the said Office oi