Whereas the General Assembly of this Province upon the
nineteenth day of October Anno 1695 was prorogued by his
Excy Francis Nicholson Esqr from the said 19 day of October
untill ye twentieth of March ensuing no urgent occasion hap-
pening for their then meeting, his said Excy by Proclamation
bearing date the 4th da ary Ao 1695 and in the 7th
year of his Maty did further prorogue the same
until the Last day of Aprile Instant
According to which prorogation Kenelm Chesseldyne Esqr
Speaker of the House and divers other members thereof
having taken their places in the House,
Mr Speaker Orders the House to be called over
Upon which the following members were absent not being
yett arrived to Towne
Mr. John Watson Mr. William Hutchison
Capt. Thomas Waughop Mr. Edward Boothby
Mr Robert Mason Mr. Ffrancis Watkins
Mr. Phillip Clarke Major James Maxwell
Capt. John Bayne Mr. Robert Smith
Col. Hans Hanson Mr. Matthew Scarborough
Mr. William Ffrisby Mr. John Bosnian
Mr. Francis Hutchins Dorsett County Burgesses
Mr. George Lingham Col. Peirce
Major James Smallwood Major Thompson, and
Capt. William Dent Col. Codd
Colonel Hansons Letter read in the House, alledging his
wife was so sick and indisposed that he could not leave her.
hee's excused.
Mr. Ffrancis Jenkins being elected a Burgess for Somersett
County and appearing in the house is by Mr. Speaker,
ordered to take his place.
Mr. William Helemsly being also elected a Delegate for
Talbott County, ordered that he take his place in the house
Mr. John Pollard and Mr. Thomas Hicks enter the house.