[In] the Reigne of our Souraigne Lord & [Lady William
and Mary] King & Queen of England &c. Annoq Domini:
Maryland ss.
The House of Assembly (pursueant to his Exncie the Gouernor
Order) haveing Adjourned on the 9th day of June in the yeare
of our Lord 1692, untill the 20th day of October then next
Ensueing, were afterwards by their Majties Proclamacon from
time to time prorogued untill the 13th day of October in the
yeare of our Lord 1693: And now by their Majties Speciall
Sumons beareing date day of August 1693: were Called to
meet & appeare at the Citty of St Maries the 20th day of
September aboue Recited, being Wednesday, where being
mett, Mr Speaker with the rest of the members went downe
to the State house, where they seuerally in Order tooke their
Mr Speaker Ordrs the house to be Called ouer, which was
accordingly done in manner following, Vizt
p. 1