Brought from the House of Burgesses by Major Hammond
and Major Dorsey the following answer to the above message
sent them from this Board vizt
By the House of Burgesses May the 4th 1696
The House Concur with the Opinion of his Majestys honble
Council that the Ships be Cleared
Signed p Order
W Bladen Clk Assembly.
The which being read as also the Proposalls made to the
House for the same it is Considered that Hot weather now
coming on and the time for the worms biting therefore his
Excellency is pleased to demand of the Board whether it may
not be most for his Majestys Service that what Ships can be
got ready by the last of June may be Cleared as fast as they
can be got ready or otherwise to be stopt till the Fleets
arrival that such Ships as cannot be got ready by that time
may run up into the Freshes to lye secure from the worm the
which was well Approved of & an Order to the said Intent
drawn up and issued as follows vizt
By his Excellency the Govr' & Council May 4th 1696.
Upon Representation and by mature advice in Council &
from the House of Burgesses received Ordered that what
Ships are now in the Country be Cleared as fast as they can
gett ready provided such ships can be ready to sail by the last
of June next and that no Ships after the said last of June be
Cleared to sail until further Order whereof the several
Collectors and naval Officers within this Province are to take
due notice and to Conform themselves thereto Accordingly