Came Mr Speaker the House being risen together with
three of the members thereof who acquainted his Excellency
that the House had received his Proposalls sent by the Clerk
and that they had appointed a Committee of four of their
members to Consider of the same and with all desired that
two of his Majestys honble Council might be Joyned to them
to advise and Assist therein the said Committee being
appointed to sit by seven of the Clock the next morning
His Excellency does say that two of the Councill shall be
Friday May the Ist 1696.
The Council Again sate and were Present as Before with
the addition of the honble James Frisby Esqr
This Board being Informed from the House that the Com-
mittee yesterday Appointed about the State House were to sit
at Mr Blackwells his Excellency is pleased to Appoint the
honble Colo Geo Robotham and Colo Charles Hutchins for to
Join with the said Committee for their Assistance and Advice
according to the request and Advice of the House giving
directions for their adjournment from that Place to the Coun-
cil Chamber who accordingly took leave & went
They return together with the Committee appointed vizt
Major Hammond Major Dorsey Mr Pollard and Mr Jenkins
His Excellency was pleased to ask them whether anything
had been done as yet towards those Proposalls laid before
them who answer that no Result has been made therein as yet.
The said Proposalls were by Order read over and after some
discourse upon the same had his Excellency does
advise that they send for the Bricklayers and the Carpenters
for to Consult them what Charge the work in the said Propo-
salls Contained will Come to and thereupon the said Com-
mittee took Leave and departed
Came from the House of Burgesses Captain Tasker and
Major Thompson who presented Mr Francis Jenkins one of
the Burgesses lately Chosen for Somerset County in Order to
be sworn and the said Jenkins had administered unto him the
Oaths Appointed by Act of Parliament to be taken instead of
the Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy & subscribed to the