At a Council in a General Assembly met and held at the
Port of Annapolis the last day of April in the eighth year of
the reigne of our Sovereign Lord King William the third &c.
Annoq Domini 1696 and their Continued until the 14th day of
May after being the fifth Sessions and by his Excellencys
proclamation (bearing date the 4th day of March past and was
Prorogued until that day.
His Excelleney Francis Nicholson Esqr Captain General
Colo George Robotham
the honble Colo Nicholas Greenberry
Colo Charles Hutchins
Colo David Browne
His Excellency is pleased to go up attended with the Gen-
tlemen of his Majestys honble Council to the Place where the
State House is building the Clerk being Ordered upon a Mes-
sage to the House of Burgesses to acquaint them with his
Excellencys Pleasure that they are required to attend there
likewise and see how they approve of the foundation of the
said State House as now laid who Accordingly came up and
view and measure the Length and Breadth thereof and thick-
ness of the Walls and do well approve and finds the same to
be according to Contract.
Ordered that the Bricklayers give an Account in Writing
under their hands what manner of a Soil the said foundation
stands in and in what places they have drove down Stakes for
making the Foundation firmer and that the said Account be
entred as well in the Journall of the House as of this Board to
remain upon Record to Posterity
The members of the House of Burgesses having received
directions to repair to their House take Leave Accordingly
and go His Excellency signifying at their departure that some
business should be sent them presently by the Clerk in rela-
tion to the aforementioned State House
Sent by the Clerk of this Board the several following Pro-
posalls in Order to be laid before the House of Delegates and
Burgesses for their Consideration &c.