Assembly Proceedings, Oct. 3-19, 1695. 263
Mr William Hatton of Charles County his accompt exam-
ined and allowed for his attendance as a Justice of the Provin-
ciall Court and Itenerant charges in August Court last 3080
1 tob:
The remaining part of his account being allowed the last
Sessions of Assembly.
Mr Robert Carssof St Maryes County his accompt examined
and allowed for imprisonment fees of William Burleigh George
Mason and Robert Saunders and other charges 10730 l tobaccoe.
William Goldthrope of Calvert County his accompt ex-
amined and allowed for transporting over patuxent river the
Secretaryes and Comissaries Records with the attendants,
4001 tob:
Major William Whittington of Sumersitt County his
accompt examined and allowed for his attendance as a
Delegate of the sd County in assembly in May last with his
Itenerant charges, 2380 l tob.
Mr Samuell Withers of Talbott County his accompt examined
and allowed for a boate to bring the Burgesses of the sd County
to St Maries Anno 1693, 720 l tob:
The other not being due, and the remainder of the accompt
Referred to the House.
Collo Caspearus Herman of Caecill County his accompt
examined and allowed for three barrells of beere for the Bur-
gesses 1200 l tob:
Mr Gilbert Linesley of Talbott County allowed upon a Pro-
tested Bill of Exchange drawn by Mr Samuell Bourne upon
Capt Peter Paggan by order of the convention bearing date
the first day of Aprill 1692, for thirty one pounds Seavuen
Shillings and Seauven pence Sterling, 10460 l tob:
Thomas Witherley of Charles County his accompt examined
and allowed for Comeing to St Maries upon an express to the
Honoble Sr Thomas Lawrence about the murther comitted by
the Anna Costain King, 400 l tob:
Mr Edward Jones of Csecill County his accompt examined
and allowed for his attendance as a Justice of the Provinciall
Court in ffebruary and Augt Courts with his Itenerant
charges 33461 tob:
And for his attendance and Itenerant charges in Octob:
Court Referred till the Latter end.
The Comittee adjourns till to Morrow
morning at Seauen of the Clock.
p. 36