Maryland sst:
Journall of the Comittee of Accompts.
Appointed and Ordered by the Burgesses of Assembly for
the Regulating and Inspecting the Publick Accompts of this
Province, Att a General Assembly held at the Port of Anna-
polis in Ann Arundell County on the Seventeenth day of
October in the Seaventh yeare of the Reigne of our Sou-
ereigne Lord William the third by the Grace of God of Eng-
land, Scotland, ffrance & Ireland King Defender of the ffaith
&c: Annoq Dom: 1695. (to Witt)
Mr Robert Mason.
Major Thomas Smith Mr George Lingham
Mr Thomas Greenfeid Mr ffrancis Watkins
In obedience thereunto the Comittee appointed mett at the
house of Mr Vanswearingen in the Port of Annapolis on the
sd Seventeenth day of October in the yeare of our Lord 1695.
And Mr Robert Mason by the sd Comittee was appointed
and chosen chairman who tooke his place accordingly and
Cleborne Lomax was appointed their Clerke, and ordered to
attend the sd Comittee.
Ordered, that the Clerke of this Comittee sett up noates in
Severall places to give notice to all persons where the said
comittee sitts to bring in their accompts.
The Comittee adjourns till to Morrow Morning at eight of
the Clock.