By his Excy the Govr and Councill Octob: the 18th 1695.
Proposed that in all the parishes where there is no minister
and where Churches are already built that the Vestry's of
such parishes lay. out what tob: of the 40l p poll they shall
collect or shall be remayning after Churches Built for and
towards building Chappells of Ease in the most convenient
places of the said Severall parishes, And if in case any of the
said Vestry's of such parishes afd do not dispose of the tob:
collectable or which will be remayning in their hands this year,
that they lay the same out either for ready goods or Bills of
Exch: this year tob: being likely to be a good Comodity, and
that this may pass into an Ordinance
Assented to by the house and Signed p Ordr
ordered according to the proposall Hen: Denton Cl Concil.
His Excy recomending to the house that they would write to
the Governmt of New Yorke and send one of their Members
Resolved the house will write no Letter nor send any
Messenger but Mr John Perry the post. Vpon reading the
petition of Mr Philip Lynes and others that have be security's
for Mars of Shipps.
The house do concurr and desire his Excy will be pleased
to give directions that some stop be put to the proceedings
agt the petrs untill such tyme as advice may arrive from Eng-
land and that the Sherriffs exact no other Bayle for their
Appearance more then their own Bonds
Mr Watson and Capt Bayne sent to his Excy to know when
his Excy will give leave this house shall attend him.
The house adjourns for halfe an hour
House mett.
Mr Watson and Capt Bayne returne to the house and say
that his Excy will imediately send down to the house