or discouraged through the rumour and noise of heavy taxes,
and to perswade them from their ffolly and unadvisedness in
leaving the Countrey upon or any other side idle rumours
and stories.
Produced and Read an Address to his Sacred Maty in
relation to New York affair the which was Signed by the
Severall members of his Mats honrble Councill and house of
Then his Exncy was pleased to acquaint them that he had
Considered with his Councill to Prorogue them untill the 20th
day of March next but if in Case there should be no absolute
necessity for their meeting at that time he would by his
Proclamation in ffebry next give them notice thereof and
further prorogue them and the Assembly was accordingly-
prorogued untill the 20th day of March next.
So Ended this Sessions of Assembly.