standing And be it further Enacted by the Authority afore-
said by and with the Advice and Consent aforesaid that the
persons herein nominated are Authorized & Impowered and
hereby appointed sometime before the Twenty-third day of
Aprill next to Call to them the Surveyor of the County of
Talbott and Cause the Bounds of the sd Countys of Kent and
Talbott to be run out and marked by a Double line of Trees
to be marked between Kent and Talbott Countys as aforesaid
That is to say Mr William Coursey for Talbott County and
Mr Symon Willmore for Kent County who are hereby Author-
ized and required to see the same done and performed att or
before the time aforesaid and returne a Certificate thereof as
aforesaid under the Penalty aforesaid to be recovered as
An Explainatory Act to the Act of all Laws heretofore made
in this Province and Confirming all Laws made this Generall
Be it Enacted by the King and Queens Excellent Maties by
and with the Advice and Consent of this prsent Generall
Assembly and the Authority of the same That those Private
Acts heretofore made att a Generall Assembly begun and
held att the City of St Marys the fifteenth day of May in the
year of our Lord one thousand six hundred Seaventy and six
(to witt) An Act for the settling the Inheritance of the Reall