Assembly Proceedings, May 8-22, 1695. 213
Assembly have taken into their Serious Consideration to
Address the Agrievances for the future do therefore humbly
pray that it may be Enacted And Be it Enacted by the King
and Queen's most Excellent Maties by and with the Advice
and Consent of this present General Assembly and the Au-
thority of the same That from & after the Twenty third day of
Aprill next being St Georges Day after the end of this present
Session of Assembly That the bounds of St Marys County shall
begin att Point Look out and Extend it Selfe up Potomock
River to the Lower Side of Birds Creek and so over by a
Lib. L. L. 2
Straight line Drawn from the head of the maine Branch of the
said Birds Creek to the head of Indian Creek in Putuxent
River and which falls into Putuxent River including all that
Land lying between Putuxent and Potomock Rivers from the
Lower part of the said two Creeks and branches of Birds and
Indian Creek by the line aforesaid and Point Look out as
aforesaid and upon the uper Side of the sd Indian Creek and
Birds Creek shall the bounds of Charles County begin where
the uper bounds of St Marys Ends and Extend it selfe upwards
as farr as Mattawoman Creek and branch and bounding on
the said Branch by a straight line Drawn from the head thereof
to the head of Swansons Creek in Putuxent River including
all that Land lying on the uper part of Birds Creek and In-
dian Creek Branches where St Marys County Ends to the
Lower side ot Mattawoman Creek and Branch & Swansons
Creek and Branch between Putuxent and Potomock Rivers as
aforesaid And be it enacted by the Authority aforesd by and
with the Advice and Consent aforesaid That the Land from
the upper side of Mattawoman and Swansons Creeks &
Branches Extending upward bounded by potomock on the
West and Putuxent River on the East shall be and is hereby
Constituted founded & Incorporated into a County of this
Province and shall be Denominated Called and known by the
name of Prince George's County and shall from and after the
said Twenty third day of Aprill next Ensueing being St
George's Day as aforesaid have and enjoy all other Rights
benefitts and priviledges Equall with the other Countys of this
Province such as sending Burgesses to Assemblys haveing
p. 93
County Courts Sherriffe Justices and other Officers and Minis-
ters requisite & necessary and as used in other Countys of
this Province And be it Enacted by the Authority aforesaid
by and with the Advice and Consent aforesaid That the
severall and respective persons hereafter in this Act men-
tioned shall and are hereby Authorized Required and Impow-
ered to Call to them the Surveyors of the Countys and Cause
them to runn out the Lines and bounds of the said Countys of
St Mary's Charles and Prince George's Countys as aforesaid,
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