Assembly Proceedings, May 8-22, 1695. 181
Voted if such division shall be made, and Carryed in the
The house Adjournes till to morrow morning at 7 of the
Wednesday May the 15th 1695,
The house mett and ordered to be called over, were absent,
Mr Mason, Capt Bayne, Capt Hill, Mr Saunders, Mr Greenfield
Mr Boothby, Colonel Coursey Mr Pollard, and Colonel Codd.
Then was ordered to be read over what was done yes-
And the house proceeded to the further consideracon of the
Proposalls yesterday layd before them, and as to the 6th pro-
posall, (Vizt)
6th That the County Courts for the future be kept at Ann
Arundell Town for Ann Arundell County.
Resolved a Bill be drawn for the same.
7th That an address be drawn and sent to the Lords of
the Committee of Trade and plantations acquainting them
that we can supply his Majestys Navy with Severall Navall
Stores, Vizt
Pitch, Tarr, Match Yards Hemp and Cordage upon twelve
months notice, and desireing they would propose to us what
Quantitys and what method of payment for the same.
8th Proposed that some means be used that we may give
assistance to New Yorke according to her Sacred Majesty of
ever blessed memory's Lre:
Whereupon Resolved that assistance of men shall be given
when need shall require &c:
And because the Country is already destitute of money to
pay the Soldiers now in Arms for the Defence of this prov-
ince, The Honble Thomas Tasker Esq. one of the members of
this house offers to lend for the Service of the Country two
hundred pounds Sterling if need shall require for the loan
thereof untill he shall be enabled to reimburse himself out of
the Country Treasury, he is to be allowed eight pounds p cent
for the use of the Same, and the said Sume is to be called for
by his Excy of the said Tasker, and applied to their Matys
Service in such manner as to his Excy in his wisdom shall
seem fitt.
9th Proposed that for raiseing a further Supply for the
Service of the Country there be layd an Imposition upon
negroes and Servants imported.
Resolved that an Imposition be layd upon negroes and Ser-
vants imported. An Additionall Act to the Act for better
administracon of Justice in probate of Wills and granting
administracons &c:
p. 19