1 Military Officer with such force as he shall think fit to go out
in Order to make discovery of them.
Signed p Order W Bladen Clk Assembly.
Ordered thereupon that the honoble Coll Nicholas Green-
berry forthwith send out a party of Men to Range about the
ffalls of Petuxent River where those Indians are said to have
been seen, in Order to make what discovery they can, and
that they return an Accot of their Proceedings therein to this
Board with all possible speed.
Signed p order Hen Denton Cl Concil.
Heneage Robinsons Petition about ffurrs read, was Refer-
red down to the house of Burgesses for their consideration.
The Honoble Coll John Addison comes & takes his place.
Brought from the House of Burgesses by Capt Bayne &
Majr Smallwood the following Message, Vizt
To his ExnCy the Governr" in Councill.
By the Burgesses of Assembly, May 10th 1695.
This House have herewith sent your Exncy one Act of
Assembly for securing Admrs & Exrs from double paying of
Debts and limiting of the time for paymt of Obligations within
this Province, and one other Act of Assembly for Encour-
agemt of such as shall make hemp and flax and humbly
Request your Exncy that you will be pleased to Signify unto
the House what your Exncy has to Communicate to them upon
this present Sitting
Signed p Order
W Bladen Clk Assembly.