Journall of the House of Assembly
Begunn and held at Ann Arundell Towne in Ann Arundell
County, on the last day of Februry in the Seventh yeare of the
Raigne of our Sovereigne Lord and Lady William and Mary
by the Grace of God of England, Scotland, France, and
Ireland King and Queen Defendrs of the ffaith &c: and in the
yeare of our Lord 1694.
The Second Sessions,
Maryland ss:
The house of Assembly by the order of his Excy Francis
Nicholson Esqre their Matys Governor in Chief in and over this
province and Territory of Maryland being Adjourned from
the Eighteenth day of Octr last past to the last day of February
next Ensueing
At which day the house being mett at the Court house at
Ann Arundell Towne in Ann Arundell County, To witt: On
the said last day of Febrary being Thursday in the Yeare of
our Lord 1694.
Mr Speaker orders the members of the house to be Called
over, soe what members were present and did appeare, which
was done as followeth, to witt:
p. 1