loose papers left at Snt Maries in the Secretarys Office be well
Secured and Conveyed to Ann Arrundell Town by the Next
Sessions of Assembly and to be secured with the Rest of the
To fill up the Number of Surveyors not yet Deputed.
Mr John Lowe Nominated by the house for Snt Maries
Mr Joseph Manning for Charles County.
Mr Solomon Wright in the Roome of Mr Wm Coursey for
Talbot County
Mr Edward Green for Somerset County.
Majr Thomas Ennalls for Dorchester County.
Mr Thomas Coursey for Caecill County.
True Copy C Lomax Clk Assembly.
March first 1694.
His Exncy & Councill Assent to the above Answer of the
house of Burgesses and Order as it is hereby Ordered that
the persons Severly appointed to Inspect the Secretaries
Records, doe inspect the Commissaries Records Likewise and
that they meet at Snt Maries the ffifteenth day of Aprill next
for the said End and purpose, and cause the same to be con-
veyed on horse back in the same Baggs which the others
were conveyed in together with the loose papers.
Hen Denton Cl Concil.
March the first 1694:
Council in Assembly again Sate and were
His Exncy Francis Nicholson Esqr
Coll Henry Jowles
Coll John Addison
Thomas Brooke Esqr
James ffrisby Esqr
Edward Randolph Esqr
Mr Speaker with the Rest of the house of Burgesses come
and Prsent three Bills yesterday here Read fairly Engrossed,
to be passed by his Exncy
Afterwards Delivered by the Clark of the house, Coppyes
of the following Votes. Vizt
By the Burgesses of Assembly ffebry 28th 1694.
Voted that what tobacco of the 40l Tob p poll for and
towards the Maintenance of Ministers or building of Churches
in Talbot County that was not Collected and paid to the
Vestrey men of the said County in the year 1693: and