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Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Volume 18, Page 330   View pdf image (33K)
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330	Records of Maryland Troops in the Continental Service


1778    				 1778
May 31	Jeremiah Rhoades 9 mo     	May 30 	Danl. Friend, a ship car- 9 mo
   31 	James Coachman	do         		  penter, a draft 	do
   30 	Jessee Chiveral	do 		   25	Jesse Carter 		do
   23 	David Johns   	do  		June 1 Jacob McKey    		do
   29 	John Norris   	do    		   1 	John Medcalf		do
   28 	James Foster  	do    		   1 	John Barton Drury 	do
   23 	Bennett McLeland do 		May 31  Thos. Mattingley
   22 	Nathan Adams  	do    		   31 	Philip Mattingley
   22 	Jeremiah King 	do    		   31 	Stanley Battin
   22 	James Dyer    	do         		Joseph Johnston		do
   25 	Henry King    	do         		Joseph Smith   		do
   25 	Thomas Wise   	do         		John Jones     		do
   25 	Richard Smart 	do         		James Barnes   		do
   28 	Smith Mahoney 	do         		Jonathan Riney 		do
   25 	Robert Turtle 	do 		June 10 Rudolph Barnchouse, 	do
   28 	Thomas More   	do          		 (Barnhouse)
   30 	James Yates   	do    		   10 	Joseph Moore   		do
   30 	Zepheniah Hoskins do		   10	Phineas Hurst		do
   30 	Joseph Fields 	do    		   10 	Michael Fields		3 yrs
   23 	Leonard Howard	do         		James McBride  		do
   30 	Ignatius Clark	do    		   10 	William Spalding, a draft
   30 	Charles Clarke	do         		Benj. Morgan, a draft
   30 	Joseph Reswick	do         		Benj. Thomson, a deserter
               					  from the Continental  Army.

     A List of Recruits, Substitutes and Draughts Furnished in Charles
County by Vertue an Act of Assembly for procuring Troops for the
Continental Army, &c., passed 1778. Sept 11th, 1778.

             		Saml. Hanson, of Walter.

Thomas Franklin					Thomas Salsbury
Henry Dickson          				Benj. Jon. Biggs

             		SUBSTITUTES FOR 3 YEARS.
William Garvey		George Ward		Charles Robertson
Stephin Fresh		John Martindale		George Ennes
Peter Dennis  		Martin Doyal		Leonard Gates
John Helmsley		Perry Patterson		Thos. G. Hinds
Francis Coffer		Henry Russell		Charles Clements
Simon Perrie 		William Poland		William Glasgoe
Dennis Pearson		Samuel Owings		Leonard Bean
John Morrison 		Charles Scott		Isaac Lyon

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Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Volume 18, Page 330   View pdf image (33K)
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