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Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Volume 18, Page 316   View pdf image (33K)
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316	Records of Maryland Troops in the Continental Service

	Be it therefore enacted, by the General Assembly of Maryland,
That two thousand nine hundred and two men be raised, including the
two artillery companies already marched to camp, and such volunteers
as have been already obtained by recruiting; and that one hundred and
sixty men being deducted for the said two artillery companies, the
remaining two thousand seven hundred and forty-two men be appor
tioned among the several counties, according to the number of militia
in each county.
    	Out of which number, so apportioned, each county shall have a
deduction for all able bodied men heretofore enlisted in virtue of the
act, entitled, An act for recruiting the quota of troops of this state, in
the American army, and furnishing them with cloathing and other
    	And be it enacted, That every idle person above eighteen years of
age, who is able bodied and hath no fixed habitation, nor family, nor
any visible method of getting an honest livelihood, and who may be
adjudged by the lieutenant of the county, or any field officer, to come
properly under the above description of a vagrant, shall from and after
such adjudication, be considered as a soldier enlisted, and have it in
his choice, whether he will serve for nine months, or enlist for three
years or during the war.
    	Provided nevertheless, That the governor and council shall have
full power and authority      to discharge any person adjudged a
vagrant, if in their judgement such person does not answer the above
    	And be it enacted, ‘[hat no British prisoner or deserter, nor any
convict, until his original term of service is expired, shall be enlisted or
deemed a proper recruit, nor any servant whatever, until emancipated
and set at liberty
    	And be it enacted, That all recruits, in virtue of this or the before
recited act, shall be carried before the lieutenant of the county or some
field officer in which the recruits are or shall be raised, to pass muster"


            John Pennington--a substitute

    	A List of Substitutes furnished under the Act, entitled, "An Act to
procure Troops for the American Army," passed in March Session,
1778. Anne Arundel County.

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Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Volume 18, Page 316   View pdf image (33K)
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