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Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Volume 18, Page 313   View pdf image (33K)
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during the War of the American Revolution, 1775-83.	313

	A List of Recruits passed by James Brice, Lieut. of Annl. County.
James Clark	Gifford Minitree	Antoine Pomairol
John McLane 	Pheltr. Souther		John Cope
Benj. Gray 	Nathan Peak  		Andrew White
George Leadbourn George Gordon 		Peter Cutong
Francis Thompson Joseph Ford		John Neary
Germain Poulain	Jean Laravier 		Wm. Ferguson

 	A List of the Men recruited agreeable to an Act of the General
Assembly Entitled, "An Act for recruiting the Quota of Troops of this
State &ca," who have been passed by James Brice, Lieut. of Anni.


Adam Henry 			Scotland  	31st Dec, 1777
Willm. Sutherland 		America  	8th Jan, 1778
Joseph Fowler  			England  	12th
Willm. Lund
Willm. Parsons
John Havers
John Franceway 			France
Roger Skiffington 		Ireland
John McAdams			America
John Galvin 			Ireland  	17th
Robert Purdell 			America  	19th
John Coulston  			England
John Hughs  					9th Feby
Jonathan Wiltshire		England  	10th
John Headwood  			Ireland  	12th
James Quay  			America  	14th
Daniel Colbert 			Ireland  	25th
John Dodson 					27th
Lawrence Riley
Philip Shobrook
John Eltham 					28th
John Baxter
Richard Brannum
James Riley  					5th March, 1778
Robert Medcalfe			England		7th
William Smith  			America		9th
Brian Carroll  			do 		12th
William Sykes  			England  	20th
John Williams  			do
Hugh Cain					24th
David Jones 					30th


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Muster Rolls and Other Records of Service of Maryland Troops in the American Revolution
Volume 18, Page 313   View pdf image (33K)
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