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during the War of the American Revolution, 1775-83. 133 MUSTERS OF MARYLAND TROOPS, VOL. 1. TIME OF SERVICE NAMES. RANK. Enlisted. Discharged REMARKS. Summers, Obad. see S Smith, Robt. do Lettman, William Pt killed Eutaw Laws, William do 18 May 77 1 Nov 80 present Leonard, James do 20 Jan 77 20 Jan 80 discharged Lucas, John Sergt 14 do 14 do do reduced to pt 27 Aug 78 reappd. do 27 Sept 78 Lindsay, James Corpl 10 feb 77 reduced to pt 16 feb 79 Corpl 3 Aprl 79 10 feb 80 do Lane, Bartholw. pt 10 Jan 80 do Lynch, Barney do 11 June 78 deserted Lucas, Basil Sergt 10 Jan 80 discharged Launders, Geo. pt 29 Aprl 78 1 Nov 80 present Lucas, John do 15 May do do do Laws, George do 2 June do do do Lynch, John do 4 June 79 deserted Lord, Henry do May 78 1 Nov 80 present Laine, Solomon do 20 do 3 Apl 79 discharged Lame, Levin do do do do prisr. 8 Jan 80 Levingston, Henry do 10 June 78 Langrell, Asquith do 3 Aprl 79 do Lucas, James do 10 Jan 80 discharged Sergt 25 Dec 79 deserted Lovelet, Benja. pt Apl & May 79 deserted Lyles, Zacha. pt 11 June 79 1 Nov 80 present Lord, Levin do 26 May 79 do do Lee, William do 10 June do do do Land, Richard do Aprl 80 do do THIRD REGIMENT.-Beginning 77. Lawler, David pt 5 feb 79 16 Aug 80 missing Lacey, Stephen do 7 Aprl 77 Lynch, William do 1 Jan 77 1 Oct 80 present Love, John do do 1 Nov do do Lilly, William do do not heard of since 4 June 78, joined Smith's Compy. May 79 Lowe, John Corpl 1 May 77 Sergt 2 feb 80 time expired Lauglane, Mark Pt see Mack MacLaughlin Lawler, John Corpl 1 July 77 7 July 78 deserted Lyon, Jacob Sergt 1 June 79 to Invalids Sept 5 81 died Lassell, Alex. pt 2 May 77 April & May 79 left out the Lyles, Henry Lieut [Roll |
Volume 18, Page 133 View pdf image (33K) |
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