Page 91, line 26. "The boate." This boat, as accessory to the
drowning of Ashbury, was forfeit to the Proprietary as a deodand ; but
he waives his right in favor of the widow. Another instance of a
deodand—in that case, a. tree which fell and killed a man—occurs in an
earlier volume.
Page 122, line 5. "Plant shavers," i. e. tobacco-cutters. To reduce
the excessive production of tobacco in Virginia, laws were pSssed to cut
down all plants in excess of a certain fixed proportion. Maryland
refused to do the like, to the great displeasure of the Virginians.
Page 139, line 24. " Six pence." From this we see that the current
value of tobacco was six-tenths of a penny sterling per pound.
Page 141, line 27. " 3'' day of Aprill." This order does not appear
in the record of this session in Lib. R., and is perhaps misdated.
Page 151, line i. " Considerations '" The brackets in this document,
inclosing quotations from Penn's answer, are in the original.
Page 392, line 44. " Berwick." Berwick on the Tweed was ceded
to England in 1502, and became a free town, independent of both
kingdoms. Hence Acts of Parliament of general force, down to the
reign of George II, specified that they were applicable to England,
Wales, and Berwick on the Tweed.
Page 472, line 10. "Mr. Penn." Penn's letter to Herrman'and
others, trying by cajolery and intimidation to make them rebellious to
Baltimore's authority, is printed, with other documents relating to this
Penn busines-, in the Archives, Vol. V, p. 285.
Page 475, line 31. " Jacobus Secundus." The text of this commis-
sion, and that of Talbott's pardon, are written in a most crabbed hand,
bristling with contractions. They appear to contain some very bad
Latin, but have been faithfully transcribed from the original, which is
attested by the Seal of Virginia.