At a Genll Court held at
James City the 20th Aprl 1686.
Mr Auditor Bacon President
Mr Secretry Spencer Coll. John Page
Coll. Phill: Ludwell Coll. Wm Byrd
Coll. Wm Cole Coll. Jno Lear
Coll. John Custes Coll Xphr Wormeley
His Majts Comission of Oyer & Terminer was read.
Upon the humble petition of Coll. George Talbot a prisoner
at the bar Coll. Tho: Ballard & Mr Arthur Spicer are nomi-
nated & assigned his Councill to Argue all points of Law
wherein he shall be concerned.
Mr Attorney Gen" on behalfe of his Majte haveing yesterday
preferred an Indictment for felony by Statute agt Coll. Geo:
Talbot late of Maryland viz: for stabbing to Death Mr Chr
Rousby the Grand Jury returned the same billa Vera & the
prisoner being this Day called to the bar after the Indictmt
was read pleaded thereto not guilty & for tryal thereof put
himselfe upon God & the Country the petty Jury was then
called over & the prisoner made his Exceptions only ag'ainst
five persons & admitted the following persons to be his Jury
viz. Coll Wm Kendall foreman, Coll Edwd Hill Mr Wm Ran-
dolph Mr Char: Goodrich Mr Tho: Hodge Mr Tho: Cock Mr
ffra: Epps Mr Jos: Mauldin Mr Wm Taylor Mr David Crafford
Mr Tho. Toule & Mr John Smith who upon their Oaths return
the prisoner Guilty. Then the sd Coll. Geo: Talbot moved
that he might have Councell assigned him to argue such points
in Law as he should assigne & a time appointed for the Arguing
The Court assigned Coll: Tho: Ballard & Mr Arthr Spicer
Councell for the prisoner & appointed the one & twentieth
Instant for the Argueing such points as the prisoner Coll. Geo:
Talbott & his Councell should move in his behalfe.