Appendix to Council Proceedings, 1681-85/6. 475
because to his Country the Tale or Skirt, to my Province the ;
Mouth or Inlett, that the disproportion of the vallue & Con-
veniency tht it beares to either of us will defend, at least
indulge, my greater Importunity; And yet while the advantage
seems to be mine, It is most manefest it will be greatly his
proffit to comply; since it will lay his Province between two
planted Countrys, And the People transporting themselves to
Pennsilvania in Ships consign'd to Maryland and thos ships
yearly bringing such englesh goods as we shall want, will
naturally draw our people into his Province to furnish them-
selves, & to make Maryland the Mark of english Trade, at
least for many yeares.
What shall I say, My Noble Freind, if the powerfull charities
of interest, if the Love of good neighbourhood, if tht wch is
always to be prefer'd wth Persons of the Lord Baltimores
Loyalty, I mean Duty to the King, prevale, I must yet
promess myselfe an agreement in some faire & happy expe-
dient, & lay by (wch shall be wth delight) the thoughts of an
englesh voyage, tht else, the state of my affaires here, & of my
famely there, will of necessity obleidge me to & th' speedely.
I shall end wth this assurance wch I have often Given, and
shall most religiously observe, that I shall sincerely embrace
all occasions by wch I may approve my selfe
My Noble Frd
Philadelphia Thy very Firme & Affect. Frd & Neighr
6th 4mo Jn 83 Wm. Penn
6th of June 1683. Wm Penns Lre to the Lord Baltemore.
Trial of George Talbott.
[Commission of Oyer and Terminer.]
JACOBUS Secundus Dei gratia Angliae, Scotiae, Francise et
Hiberniae Rex fidei defensor &c. Dilectis et fidelibus nrls
Nathanielum Bacon, Nicho. Spencer, Robto Smith, Joshuce
Bridger, Willo Cole, philippo Ludwell, Johe Custis, Rico Lee,
Rado Wormeley, Johanne page, Willmo Byrd, Cpho Worme-
ley et Johe Lear Armigeris, Salutem. Sciatis quod Assigna-
vimus vos et aliquos tres vel plures vestrum quorum aliquem
vestrum vos praefat. Nathaniel Bacon Nichoum Spencer,
Robtum Smith Joshuam Bridger Willm Cole, Philum Ludwell
et Johem Custis unum esse volumus, Justiciar nros ad inquirend.
per Sacrffi probrm et legm hominum de plantacone nra Vir-
giniae de alijs vijs modis et medijs quibus melius scivitis aut